Athlete Registration

If you are a returning athlete and already have an account, login HERE!

Note: this form is for athletes with disabilities registering for OAS programs. If you are looking for the volunteer application, click here!


Please complete the following registration information to generate your OAS Athlete Account. If you are not the participating athlete, please complete the form with the participant's information. 

Once you have submitted this form, you will be emailed a prompt to create a login and password so that you can manage your account, request lessons, and register for events. We may ask you to update your information seasonally or annually, depending on when you participate with OAS.

By providing your phone number in the form below, you consent to receiving SMS (text messaging) communication from OAS staff regarding the scheduling/booking of your experiences. OAS uses text messaging to help confirm lessons/experiences or to communicate last minute changes. We do not use SMS for any marketing purposes.

Thank you for taking the time to set up your account!


Please provide the following information for the participant.

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Many OAS funding sources require generalized demographic information. This information is kept anonymous when reporting to funding agencies. If you prefer not to provide this information please select "Decline to identify" or "Prefer not to share" for each.


Please fill out as much applicable information as possible to allow us to best prepare and serve you/athlete.  If not applicable, please leave the question/field blank.

If you/athlete experience multiple disabilities, please indicate both "Disability/Diagnosis and Secondary Disability" and feel free to elaborate in "Disability/Diagnosis Detail." 


Please provide as much information as possible


OAS receives funding from agencies such as the VA and MOVE UNITED.  We are required to report as much detail as possible on the Military and Veteran populations we serve.  Please provide as much information as possible if you have served in the Military.

Almost done! Click Submit to complete this form, then check your email to finish creating your account login and password. Thank you!

Neon CRM by Neon One